Saturday - Thursday from 9 am to 11 pm

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laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass Egypt

Table of Contents laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass Egypt is one of the most successful and widespread obesity surgeries, such as sleeve gastrectomy. It is one of the effective means to get rid of obesity and diabetes together. By reducing the size of the stomach, the patient is satisfied with the minimum amount of food he eats. […]

Gastric balloon in Egypt

Gastric balloon in Egypt

Table of Contents Gastric balloon in Egypt is a process used in the treatment of obesity and gives effective results. Obesity is one of the serious diseases toda.  The increasing number of obese people is also evidence of our poor eating habits and how inactive we are. So, we will discuss all reasons that cause […]

Gastric bypass in Egypt

Gastric bypass in Egypt

Table of Contents Gastric bypass in Egypt Gastric bypass is one of the most popular operations recently due to its results in getting rid of body fat and excess weight with its treatment of type 2 diabetes, where studies and practical experiments have proven the ability of gastric bypass to treat type 2 diabetes with […]

Sleeve gastrectomy in Egypt

Sleeve gastrectomy in Egypt

Table of Contents Sleeve gastrectomy in Egypt is a weight loss surgery that involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach, resulting in a smaller stomach that holds less food. This procedure is often recommended for individuals who are struggling with obesity and have not had success with diet and exercise alone. In […]